Who Am I?
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Who Am I? I'm Half-Pint...
Okay, My name's Half-Pint, I'm a teenager from S.Wales. That's all you really need to know. That's all you really WANT to know, but I'm going to explain a few other things too. Things such as my favourite band, my hobbies, my friends, and so on.
First off, I was born on a dark and stormy night and that was the first sign that I wasn't meant to be. All the other reasons were devised by my friends.

This is me!
As you can see, not much to look at, but fear not! The booze makes it all go away...
Name: Half Pint
DOB: 25/11/1985
E-Mail Address: less_than_gruff182@yahoo.com
Favourite Drink: Budweiser
Favourite Band: Less Than Jake
Drunk on Arrival Band Possition: Percussionist

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The Spark!

Drunk on Arrival
For more information on DOI, Whitey and myself go to DrunkOnArrival.com. There you'll see Bios on all the bandmates as well as info on our friends, hobbies and other stuff nobody really cares about. Check it out! It'll make Whitey ever so happy.

Drunk On Arrival

This is DOI Dan, Drunk on Arrivals awesome guitarist and one of my best friends. He's currently on hollidays in Denver, lucky sod.

This is Whitey, the bands almighty Bassist, we couldn't be a band without his powerful basslines, he's also one of my best friends. Right now, I'd say he's... drinking.... probably.